
Conference: Methods in Finance

We are delighted to share the Call for Papers for our upcoming conference, "Methodological Pluralism in Critical Finance Research," which will take place at Goethe University Frankfurt on 3–4 July 2025. The conference aims to foster discussions about the diverse methods and tools used in critical finance research, encouraging reflections on sources, methodologies, and their contributions to understanding global finance and financialized capitalism.

We invite submissions of short abstracts (300 words) by 14 February 2025 that clearly indicate the empirical sources and/or methodological tools applied in your research. Both papers with a primary methodological focus and conventional research papers are welcome. In both cases, we ask authors to discuss the methods that were applied to studying finance. Submissions should be sent to:

Travel support is available for early career researchers without funding—please indicate this in your submission. For full details, please check the attached CfP or via the following link:

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Research Network: Methods in Finance

In January, we launched the Methods in Global Finance research network. The aim of the network is to engage and develop the methodological pluralism of critical finance research. The network is led by Guadalupe Moreno (Goethe University Frankfurt), Johannes Petry (Goethe University Frankfurt) and Ruben Kremers (JGU Mainz). It is funded by the Rhein-Main-University (RMU) Early Career Researcher Initiative and will run for two years.

The methodological pluralism of critical finance research:

This is an interesting moment for the study of global finance. As the intellectual challenges posed by the 2007-2009 financial crisis have lost their integrative force, scholars have expanded research agendas to include a broader range of topics, including financial subordination, financial hegemony, central banking, digital finance, sustainable finance, and more. As research topics have multiplied, so have methodological repertoires. Current work encompasses methodologies as diverse as experimental design, network analysis, expert interviews, and archival work and at the same time taps into a growing range of public and private data sources. But while the empirical and theoretical expansion of global finance scholarship has received considerable attention, its methodological pluralism has remained underexplored. To address this gap, the network will organize a conference, several methods training sessions, a book workshop, and publish an edited volume over the next two years.

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Article: Industry Events and the 'Curated Reflexivity' of Alternative Finance

Recurring financial crises have repeatedly shifted the focus of investors and policymakers to alternative ideas and practices that seek to align finance more effectively with broader societal goals.

In their new article, Marco Andreu, Ruben Kremers and Lena Rethel analyse the role of industry events in cultivating this reflexivity.

The article was published in New Political Economy and is open access. It can be downloaded here:


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Visit at the European Central Bank

Last Friday, Ruben Kremers and Simone Schaller, together with twenty students from the Department of Political Science, took part in a visit to the European Central Bank organised by the Friends of Political Science in Mainz. They were welcomed by two alumni of the department, Stephanie Bergbauer and Daniel Weber. Stephanie gave a presentation and Q&A session on the digital euro, and Daniel gave a tour of the ECB Tower. Students could ask questions about recruitment and career opportunities while enjoying the stunning view over the city of Frankfurt. Thanks to everyone involved in the visit - it's been an absolute treat!

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Upcoming: 4. DVPW-Workshop

Dr Ruben Kremers will participate in the 4. DVPW-Workshop "Making Sustainability Happen: Global Politics Meets Planetary Boundaries" to be held from 10.-12. April in Tutzing. The workshop program is available here and you can follow the workshop online by registering here.


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Upcoming: Presentation at the ISA 2024 Annual Convention

At this year's ISA 2024 Annual Convention, to be held from 3-6 April in San Francisco, Dr Ruben Kremers will participate in three panels, entitled: "Power and authority in the digital economy"; "The rise of Asia and the reconfiguration of international financial norms"; and "Putƫing Relationality at the Centre of IPE Pedagogies". The conference program is available here.


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New Project: Feedback concepts for cultivating the academic orientation of students

How to sustain and develop a productive feedback culture in teaching?

In a new project, entitled "Constructive, cooperative, digital: feedback concepts for cultivating the academic orientation of students", Ruben Kremers and Jürgen Unger-Sirsch will test and explore a series of innovative feedback methods. This summer term, these methods will first be implemented in the MA seminars "The Politics of Global Finance" and "Qualitative Methods in Political Science".

The project is funded by the Gutenberg Lehrkolleg.


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