We are delighted to share the Call for Papers for our upcoming conference, "Methodological Pluralism in Critical Finance Research," which will take place at Goethe University Frankfurt on 3–4 July 2025. The conference aims to foster discussions about the diverse methods and tools used in critical finance research, encouraging reflections on sources, methodologies, and their contributions to understanding global finance and financialized capitalism.
We invite submissions of short abstracts (300 words) by 14 February 2025 that clearly indicate the empirical sources and/or methodological tools applied in your research. Both papers with a primary methodological focus and conventional research papers are welcome. In both cases, we ask authors to discuss the methods that were applied to studying finance. Submissions should be sent to: globalfinancemethods@gmail.com.
Travel support is available for early career researchers without funding—please indicate this in your submission. For full details, please check the attached CfP or via the following link: https://tinyurl.com/3jbshp49.